

INRIX Solves Transportation Problems


Traffic congestion is an ever-increasing problem in many large metropolitan areas. Drivers may spend several hours on the roads each day. In addition, air pollution is increasing, and more accidents are occurring.


INRIX corporation (inrix.com) enables drivers to get real-time traffic information. They can download the INRIX-XD Traffic App for iOS and Android. The information provided is generated by a predictive analysis of massive data obtained from consumers and the environment (e.g., road construction, accidents). Information sources include:

  • Traffic data collected by helicopters, drones, and so on, which include real-time traffic flow and accident information.
  • Information provided by participating delivery companies and over 100 million anonymous volunteer drivers, who have GPS-enabled smartphones, all reporting in real time.
  • Information provided by traffic congestion reports (e.g., delays due to road maintenance).

INRIX processes the collected information with proprietary analytical tools and formulas, some of which are AI-based. The processed information is used to generate traffic predictions. For example, it creates a picture of anticipated traffic flows and delays for the next 15 to 20 minutes, few hours, and few days for many locations. These predictions enable drivers to plan their optimal routes. As of 2018, INRIX had offered global coverage in 45 countries and in many major cities, and the company analyzed traffic information from over 100 sources. This service is combined with digital maps. In Seattle, for example, traffic information is disseminated via smartphones and color codes on billboards along the freeways. Smartphones also display estimated times for the roads to be either clear or jammed. As of 2018, the company had covered over 5,000,000 miles of highways worldwide, delivering upon request the best recommended routes to use, all in real time.

The INRIX system provides information (or recommendations) for decisions such as:

  • Optional routes for delivery vehicles and other travelers to take
  • The best time to go to work or to other places from a given location
  • Information for rerouting a trip to avoid encountering a traffic jam that just occurred
  • Fees to be paid on highways, which are based on traffic conditions and time of the day

The technologies used to collect data are:

  • Closed-circuit TV cameras and radar that monitor traffic conditions
  • Public safety reports and traffic information
  • Information about freeway access and departure flows
  • Technologies that measure toll collection queues
  • Magnetic sensing detectors embedded under the road surface (expensive)
  • Smartphones and other data collection devices that gather data for INRIX

The information is processed by several AI techniques such as expert systems; see Chapter 12 and different analytical models (such as simulation).

Several of the sources of information are connected to the company via the Internet of Things (IoT) (Chapter 13). According to its Web site, INRIX has partnered with Clear Channel Radio to broadcast real-time traffic data directly to vehicles via Ln Carr or via portable navigation systems, broadcast media, and wireless and Internet-based services. Clear Channel’s Total Traffic Network is available in more than 125 metropolitan areas in four countries. In 2018, the system was installed in over 275 million cars and data collection devices. The system collects real-time traffic information from these devices.


In addition to being used by individual drivers, the processed information is shared by organizations and city planners for making planning decisions. Also, less traffic congestion has been recorded in participating cities, which results in less pollution, fewer road accidents, and increased productivity by happier employees who spend less time commuting.

As of 2016, INRIX had released an improved traffic app that uses both AI and crowdsourcing (Chapter 11) to support drivers’ decisions as to the best route to take (Korosec, 2016). The AI technology analyzes drivers’ historical activities to infer their future activities.


  1. Explain how does INRIX and Kimley-Horn Help the City of Austin out of a Jam? See the case.
  2. How does this case relate to decision support?
  3. Identify the AI elements in this system.


The INRIX case illustrates to us how the collection and analysis of a very large amount of information (Big Data) can improve vehicles’ mobility in large cities. Specifically, by collecting information from drivers and other sources instead of only from expensive sensors, INRIX has been able to optimize mobility. This has been achieved by supporting decisions made by drivers and by analyzing traffic flows. INRIX is also using applications from the IoT to connect vehicles and devices with its computing system. This application is one of the building blocks of smart cities (see Chapter 13). The analysis of the collected data is done by using powerful algorithms, some of which are applications of AI.